Menopause – A New Beginning!

Late last year, I attended a yoga workshop focusing on the menopause, run by Barefoot Yoga. I am afraid that I have reached “that age!”. I have been reading up on the perimenopause and menopause over the past year or so and have tried to take note of ideas and have adapted my diet andContinue reading “Menopause – A New Beginning!”

The City Chicken Keeper

This is the story of the woman who had the romantic notion of keeping chickens in her back garden and collecting fresh eggs each morning. Last July, that notion became a reality. Welcome to the City Chicken Keeper and her 3 chickens, Julia, Sybil and Margot. The idea of keeping chickens to be honest happenedContinue reading “The City Chicken Keeper”

Agatha Christie, Greenway

I had always wanted to visit Greenway, the picturesque summer house of Agatha Christie in Devon. On a recent weekend away in the lovely Dartmouth, I was lucky enough to fulfill that wish. My obsession with Agatha Christie really started in the 1980’s with the BBC TV adaptation of the Miss Marple books, with theContinue reading “Agatha Christie, Greenway”

February Escapism, Homemade Style!

Hi guys. A very belated Happy New Year! I can’t believe it’s been over 6 months since I’ve written a blog. With a mixture of home schooling and an increase in sales to my Etsy shop (one good thing to come out this situation!, I don’t seem to have any spare time whatsoever. At leastContinue reading “February Escapism, Homemade Style!”

La Seigneurie Gardens, Sark

On our family holiday this year we were lucky enough to visit Jersey for a third time I love this little island, where time stands still and everyone is polite and the traffic filters in turn at roundabouts. As we were there for a couple of weeks, we decided the visit Sark, which actually fallsContinue reading “La Seigneurie Gardens, Sark”

Samares Manor, Jersey

This was my second visit to the lovely Samares Manor botanical gardens in Jersey.  Last year we visited on the last day of our holiday and I found out that you can have a free return visit within 2 weeks so I didn’t make that mistake again and we went early in our holiday! SamaresContinue reading “Samares Manor, Jersey”

RHS Malvern Spring festival

I’ve always wanted to visit the RHS Malvern Spring show and this year I actually remembered to book tickets and off we went a couple of weeks ago on a sunny Saturday! I watched Gardeners World the Friday beforehand as I thought they would be filming there and I was not disappointed.  I loved theContinue reading “RHS Malvern Spring festival”

Flower pot madness!

We had planned a warm Easter school holiday trip to Estepona, south of Malaga, Spain. In reality we were rained in, cold and were grateful of the heated seats in the hire car!  It took us 3 days to finally visit the lovely town of Estepona in all it’s sunny glory. It was worth it.Continue reading “Flower pot madness!”

Peg bags

Although I consider myself to be a feminist and fully intend on continuing to bring my son up to believe that women can do anything that a man can do (if not better!), I find some strange personal satisfaction when I can hang out my washing on a lovely breezy summer’s day, watching it all blowing in the wind! IContinue reading “Peg bags”

St. Valentine’s Day

So, we have nearly arrived at St. Valentine’s day, where the shops sell cheesy items that you just don’t need and your recipient mostly doesn’t want!  The price of a bunch of roses increases at least twofold and restaurants are full of young romantics, looking forward to staring into each others eyes over a bottleContinue reading “St. Valentine’s Day”